9 ravishing key trends in digital marketing
9 ravishing key trends in digital marketing: Now retailers are approaching digital marketing to establish their brand’s value in the mind of the customers. Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the measurable and interactive ways of marketing. It represents the most coherent and appropriate content according to the wish of the customers. A […]
Three Hidden Security Risks for WordPress Users
Three Security Risks in WordPress You Are Probably Unaware of We all know and love WordPress. It is, by far, the most popular CMS out there. The efficiency, ease and cost make it one of the most lucrative options for any blogger. Yet, popularity doesn’t always mean perfection. Despite the strengths, WordPress has many security […]
Version Control Simplified: Github vs. Bitbucket vs. Beanstalk
Your Version Control System is your software project’s most important level of development. Enabling a collaborative approach for working on your software, version control backs up every level of your code. Many version control utilities, such as Beanstalk, Bitbucket, and Github have been developed. Each version control tool has its nuances, but one should fit […]

The Internet of Things and E-Commerce Growth
The e-commerce sector has experienced massive growth worldwide thanks to the increase in Internet penetration. Two of the biggest e-commerce firms– Amazon and Alibaba– are prime examples. In 2017, the Chinese-firm earned an estimated 158 billion yuan while Amazon took in around $178. To say that e-commerce is the future of retail would be a […]

5 Steps to Successfully Launch an E-Commerce Store on WordPress
Successfully Launch a WordPress-Based E-Commerce Store in These 5 Steps As the trend of E-Shopping is increasing very rapidly, the requirement of establishing an E-Commerce Store is becoming a necessity. WordPress, thus, allows you to create your own e-commerce venture by providing a platform with enriched features which you can use to successfully establish your […]
3 UI Tips for Website Design
Here are some UI tips for website design. UI, or User Interface, is how the website is presented, and used by visitors. Basically, designing for UI means designing a website that can be easily navigated by visitors. Links will look like links, it should be easy to navigate, and so on. If you’re having trouble with […]

Marketing is like a marathon
Marketing is like a marathon Let’s find out the answer to certain questions. Why is marketing like a marathon? How is it much harder than a marathon? There are some points which answer these questions. Most marketing individuals try to run without training: Marketers come in the market without enough experience and knowledge. If you […]
5 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
Creating websites seems to get more and more complicated as the Internet evolves. While once upon a time the Internet could only be viewed on a computer screen, on one browser, that time is no more. With tablets, phones, laptops and Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. you need to account for web development on all these different […]

Things that Make a Great E-Commerce Site
Technology has changed the way people shop. Today, people won’t think twice about surfing the Internet to buy something they need. In fact, online retail purchases increased by 16% in 2017 which says a lot about the change in consumers’ mindset. Indeed, it is critical for any business these days to have a great e-commerce […]