A Side hustle that works
Side hustle A side hustle is a business that you start whilst engaged in something such as work or college. E-commerce business is one of the most common side hustle. This is due to the fact that an e-commerce business can be run from the comfort of your home. People who usually go to work […]

Networks in e-commerce
Networks Networks are everything when it comes to e-commerce businesses. Any business requires the business owner to network with people who you can gain knowledge and share ideas with. Network in the instance of this post is simply knowing people in your industry who can actually help you grow your business by pointing you in […]
Rethinking Stress: Manage Stress and Pressure for a More Productive Life
Stress, how to void it and hot to manage it. Everyone is subject of soem degrees of stress throughout their daily lives, whether it’s from your growing bisiness, family or your brand new job.. You have to manage stress because nearly every time it generates more problems. It is known taht It can impact your […]

Online holiday sales
Holiday sales Holidays are time for family and friends to get together. They also happen to be the time of the year when people buy a lot of gifts for family and friends. Let us admit that most of us love to spend some time with loved ones. This is why most e-commerce businesses see […]
How to Center Align a Video Snippet in WordPress
A Beginner’s Guide to Center Align a Video Snippet Embedded in WordPress For no reason whatsoever, WordPress always seems to left-align the video within a post, if the width of the video is less than the width of the post. Apart from being aesthetically unyielding, the default option also stops you from trying other alignments, […]

Three Ways to Scan Your WordPress Website for Malware
How to Scan Your WordPress Site for Potentially Malicious Code To scan your WordPress site is a very essential step when trying to run a business on WordPress. People often feel that only professionals are equipped with scanning the WordPress for malware. This is false. There are several tools available to help you perform this […]

Bookmark Posts with Save For Later in WordPress
Bookmark Posts with Save For Later with WordPress Reader Tool It happens many times that you find an interesting blog post to read, but suddenly you realize that you are getting late for some other important work at that time. But, WordPress mobile app has come up with a solution to it. If you have […]
A good web design is important for content marketing
Why web design ? Whenever you go shopping, what first attracts is the packet, its color and design. Then comes the label and finally the ingredients. Same goes true with the two concepts. Web design and Content Marketing go hand in hand. Content Marketing involves the creation and sharing of online material that does not […]

Facebook Bots and Online Business
Most, if not all, business owners are aware of the social media and its impact on their businesses. But not all of them are aware of the emerging technology called bots. Facebook bots, for one, can enable business owners to directly communicate with their customers. It can also humanize companies, giving their customers the impression […]