Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid
When you create a WordPress site, there are a few WordPress mistakes that you need to avoid. Some may be obvious, and some are less so. But overall, these mistakes prevent you from optimizing your website. You want to have the most secure, easy to use website as possible. 1. Not changing the admin username […]
A Brief Guide to PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP, short for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, it is a coding language that can be used with HTML. Before you begin to learn this language, you should have a grasp of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PHP is free to download and use, because it is an open-source scripting language. It’s very popular and powerful, which is […]
Some Important WordPress SEO Tips for a New Venture
Top 5 WordPress SEO Tips for New Businesses SEO plays a significant role in the success and popularity of your new business. Working with SEO can be a little confusing as it is a wide concept involving a number of different sections. Hence, here are some tips you need to adapt for WordPress SEO in […]
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog with WordPress
Here’s Why Starting a Blog with WordPress Should Be on Your To-Do List You can work all the way sitting in a comfortable place at your home by starting a blog with WordPress. Blogging can be one such fruitful decision of your life. The following are a few reasons that why you should be starting […]

Four Things to Remember in Making an E-Commerce Business Plan
Starting your own online business is no easy task. With the intense competition between brands online, your start-up enterprise could quickly sink if you are unprepared. That’s why it is important to have an e-commerce business plan. How do you come up with one? The following are some things to keep in mind:
What are Error 404 Pages?
All of us, at some point in our web-browsing lives, will end up on an Error 404: Page Not Found screen. What are these pages for and what do they mean? Well, they exist to let visitors know that the page they are looking for doesn’t exist. While error 404 pages are annoying, they are necessary for […]
4 Advantages of E-Commerce
Here are some advantages of e-commerce. What is e-commerce? E-commerce is every transaction that happens over the Internet. Basically, it’s online shopping. While going the mall can be fun, sometimes it’s just nice to shop from your couch. 1. Easy to Compare Prices One advantage of e-commerce is that you can easily compare prices. Not only can […]
What is Email Marketing
We all know email marketing is still a powerful strategy… …No matter how many clickbait headlines we read telling us the exact opposite. But email is changing, it’s always changing. So how can you optimize your marketing through email? Let’s start with the basics! What is email marketing? It’s basically the use of email to […]

How Brick and Mortar Retailers Are Adapting to Changes
The Digital Age has come and businesses are adapting to the changes brought by it. Brick-and-mortar retailers are perhaps one of the most hardest hit by the digital transformation as customers are preferring to shop online instead of going to a traditional store.