The importance of split testing
A/B testing is a process wherein two versions of an online campaign such as a webpage or ad text are compared with the goal of determining which one performs better. Also called split testing, it enables digital marketers to fine-tune their online strategy and create more content that’s appealing to the target audience.
Choosing Keywords for SEO
Here are 3 things you should keep in mind when choosing keywords for SEO on your website. Keywords will make it easier for search engines to find your website. But sometimes, choosing one (or more) can be hard. These tips on using keywords for SEO will help boost your site’s traffic. Repeating keywords for SEO Repetition […]
Great 404 Error Page Template Designs
Creating custom 404 error pages is something that is common on the Internet. If you haven’t made one already, you should definitely start thinking about it. Some are funny, some are smart, but all of them include navigational links to help users get back to the website’s homepage. That’s the most important part of creating […]

Digital marketing stats about giving up personal data
The best digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week Nearly 90% of consumers willing to give up personal data An Episerver survey was conducted to have an insight into what people think of giving their personal data. The survey showed that among more than 4000 population, 87% of people are ready to give their data […]
Shopify is taking over Canada’s online market
E-commerce giant Shopify is set to become a major player in Canada’s legal-weed market Shopify has set foot in legal weed industry in Canada, it is now providing weed in the province of Canada legally. The population of Ontario is 13.6 billion, which is the most populated province of Canada with the biggest city in […]
Start You Own Ecommerce Business With No Money
Why some people start thinking about an ecommerce business? They usually have a vision of selling that will allow them to escape from their 9 to 5 and pursue their true dream. Despite being full of energy and enthusiastic they will never take action. What is stopping these potetial ecommerce masters? Not knowing what to […]

Computer science degree
Is a computer science degree worth it for e-commerce entrepreneurs? Many e-commerce entrepreneurs wish there where the next Amazon founders. However, the problem is that they don’t have the necessary skills to be the founders of the next Amazon. First of all, the main question will be whether or not it is worth getting a […]

Personal growth
Personal growth in e-commerce There are many reasons why individuals want to start an e-commerce business. However, the most common reason is for personal growth. Personal financial growth lures hundreds of thousands of people to start an e-commerce business. People who are realistic know that the world runs on money. You need money to pay […]

Technology adoption
Developed countries and technology adoption It used to take a long time for new technologies to be adopted. For example if you take the adoption of the telephone. The landline took around 75 years to gain 50 million users. Nowadays it can take an app a couple of days to reach the same number of […]