Ecommerce firm Adroll partners with Magento
Ecommerce firm Adroll has agreed to integrate its ad targeting and attribution with the cloud management service of Magento Commerce. The partnership is seen to benefit more online merchants in the future. Bay Alarm Medical will be one of the first beneficiaries of the partnership between the two ecommerce firms. The Concord, California-based firm sells […]
Update Your Avatar on WordPress without Visiting Gravatar
Now Change Your Avatar within Your WordPress Account Having the right profile picture is a necessity in almost every digital platform. On WordPress and similar sites, this is called an Avatar. Managing your avatar usually required going on Gravatar.com, which creates your avatar for sites like WordPress. However, the new feature on WordPress allows you […]
Website Redesign Tip: Set Measurable Goals
Building, or rebuilding, a website is important if you want to get your brand noticed. But this can be a difficult task. So we’ve put together steps to follow in order to create a successful site. The first website redesign tip we give to clients is to focus on your audience. After you have done that, the next […]

6 plugins to automate a WooCommerce Store
6 plugins to automate a WooCommerce Store If you are to manage an e-commerce store, you have a lot to do. You need to solve customer issues; server and hosting issues, software bugs and above all, you need to maintain adequate stock. For a store owner, you need to approach the big picture items and […]

Three ways of personalizing customer emails
Email marketing is a vital part of any online marketing campaign. But more than sending emails to as many customers as possible, you should put more weight on personalizing customer emails. Sending personalized emails are more likely to be read. And perhaps more importantly, it can provide the interpersonal connection that can lead to greater […]
Should You Switch to HTTPS?
HTTP and HTTPS are pretty much the same thing, with one minor difference: the S stands for Secure. This means that websites with HTTPS are secure for users to visit. HTTPS helps reduce of the risk of hacking. This is because HTTPS encrypts the server. “Encrypted” means that the data is converted into code, to prevent […]

Common mistakes that can derail an online ad campaign
Many companies big or small have allocated a significant portion of their advertising budget online advertising because of advantages such as affordability and reach. From social media ads to pay-per-click ad campaigns, there are different ways to conduct an online ad campaign.

Create content for your audience
How to create content that audience crave for Creating amazing content that audience crave for is probably the best marketing method in e-commerce. E-commerce marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry. The best part about e-commerce is the fact that content tends to play a huge part in sales. This means that creating content that potential […]

Coinbase launches plugin for WooCommerce
Cryptocurrency exchange and Bitcoin wallet Coinbase Commerce has introduced a new plugin for a widely-used e-commerce platform seen to boost the number of online stores accepting cryptocurrency payments.