Monopolies in e-commerce
Monopolies The issue of monopolies has always been a huge consideration around the world. Monopolies have a bad reputation in the United States. In macroeconomics they have proven to stall innovation and economic development. Economic development depends a lot in innovation. However monopolies block this type of innovation through blocking smaller competitors in illegal […]
Brutalist Websites: The Latest Design Trend
What are brutalist websites? They seem to contradict every website design trend that is currently popular. Brutalist websites deliberately look bad and are hard to use. Basically, brutalist websites look like they were created in the year 2000, that haven’t been updated since. They’ve become popular as an alternative to easy, nice, websites that are popular today. Why do Brutalist […]

PCI Compliance Changes to Be Implemented by June 30
June 30, 2018 is just around the corner. For many online businesses, the date is sort of a red-letter day because this is when changes to Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance will be implemented. Firms that process payments online should have made the transition to TLS 1.1 encryption by that date or they won’t be […]

Digital marketing stats about giving up personal data
The best digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week Nearly 90% of consumers willing to give up personal data An Episerver survey was conducted to have an insight into what people think of giving their personal data. The survey showed that among more than 4000 population, 87% of people are ready to give their data […]
Web Redesign Tip: Use Web Standards
There are plenty of creative ways to design a website. However, there are some web standards that work for everyone. If you use web standards, you won’t have to worry about using an outdated trend. These standards will help bring an audience to your website and give you the ability to make long term goals. We use standards because […]
Pixar to Offer Free Khan Academy Lessons
Good news for Khan Academy users: Pixar is offering free storytelling lessons. They’ve called it Pixar in a Box, and the lessons are online now. Pixar is renowned for their ability to create compelling animated movies, such as Inside Out, Finding Nemo, and Toy Story. They are master storytellers, combining interesting narratives with stunning visuals. […]
Ecommerce Blog Post To Build Traffic For Your Store
Thongs that you should know about Blog Post? But first up: some prep work for your blog You’ll need to know two things to really make your blog posts effective: your audience, and your goals. Know and understand your audience. Before writing a single word and even a post draft, you have to know how […]

Payment ease and its benefit to e-commerce
Payment ease When it comes to user experience there is nothing that actually pegs the punch like payment ease. Every e-commerce business that is looking for success in the e-commerce business needs to create some kind of payment ease in order to create demand for their product. Customers need to know how to make a […]
Becoming a Digital Nomad: Working From Anywhere (Shopify)
Digital Nomad: The quintessential dream job and how to achieve it. Travelling the world while carrying only your laptop and your essentials, making money with only a wifi connection, schedule your day as you want, and have no deadlines. The benefits of a digital nomad. What has changed? The Internet has revolutionized the world we […]