Five digital marketing mistakes to avoid
Digital marketing continues to become a more crucial component of any business, whether it is online-based or not. Are you starting a digital marketing campaign for your business or a client? You might want to keep in mind the following online marketing mistakes that even the pros tend to commit: Digital marketing mistake #1: Not […]

How automation is affecting the e-commerce industry
The digital economy has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years that some of its support industries have lagged, notably the logistic industry. The logistics sector, however, is looking at automation to boost many processes and enable it to address the demands of the e-commerce market. This is critical as consumers expect their […]

Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing has been a major driver of e-commerce. A lot of e-commerce companies and businesses need affiliate marketers in-order to increase their sales. The most common form of affiliate marketing involves subscription-based e-commerce. For example web hosting businesses have Affiliate marketing programs. These programs help bring in more customers. The web hosting […]
New York City’s Upcoming Tech Hub
New York City is funding, what experts predict to be, the technological hub of the city. On Friday, Mayor Bill De Blasio released the first images of the “Union Square Tech Hub”. De Blasio has stated his intention of making the building the technological center of New York City. A glass facade holding 258,000 square feet of […]
Working with Magento Themes: Tips for Efficiency
If you’re even vaguely familiar with web design, you should know how important themes are for your website. There are two types of themes that people use: the easy-to-apply theme for aesthetics and usability, and the theme created by a user almost from scratch, for an individual store experience. The latter user can take part […]

Shopify Unfazed by Adobe and Magento Partnership
Shopify, the Canadian e-commerce giant which counts more than 600,000 merchants as its clients, is not at all threatened by the acquisition of Magento by Adobe.
Add a Simple Payment Button to Your WordPress.com Site
WordPress Now Comes with a Quick Payment Button Option For any business on the internet, having a quick option to perform payments is a prerequisite. While it is always an option to go to a payment gateway, it comes with filling too many details and passing too many security checks. To ensure that customers are […]

Employee loyalty
How to ensure employee loyalty in e-commerce Employee loyalty is an important part of any business. It is an even more important part of the e-commerce and technological business. The technological business encompasses a lot of research and development. This research and development include certain discoveries that are going to put you at the top […]

Shopify platform for e-commerce users
Shopify platform tailored for e-commerce Shopify is by far the most popular e-commerce platform specifically built for e-commerce stores. Shopify is a Canadian corporation that has web solutions perfectly created for e-commerce stores. Shopify has one advantage over many online e-commerce web solutions. Shopify is very easy to use. Even a first time user can […]