Sharing Options from WordPress to Facebook Have Changed
Sharing Options from WordPress.com to Facebook Have Changed Facebook has introduced a slight alteration to their platform. This change will impact your sharing options from your WordPress site to your Facebook account. So we wanted to keep you updated with this change.

Exclude a Category from Your WordPress Homepage – 2 Methods
How to Exclude a Category from Your WordPress Homepage WordPress comes with a set of pre-existing categories that are displayed on your website’s homepage. Not every use makes use of all the categories and hence you should know how to exclude a category from the homepage of your WordPress’ websites. Why Exclude a Category? The category […]

Four ways to personalize e-commerce marketing
Retail customers today have plenty of shopping options, from traditional brick-and-mortar stores to e-commerce websites. With the increasing competition in the retail sector, it has become important for online entrepreneurs to offer personalization. Leading research firm Gartner says that companies that incorporate personalization into their e-commerce marketing can boost their revenues by up to 15%. […]

Mobile fast food business
Starting your own mobile fast food business Starting your own mobile fast-food business can be a challenge. However, if you concentrate on using the available technological advancement on your mobile phone you might achieve the required success. Food truck has become very successful and popular among the middle working class. This is why you need […]
Maximizing the Use of Slugs in Your WordPress Sites
How to Best Use Slugs in WordPress? Slugs are something every WordPress user has heard about, but not many understand. Despite sounding vague or technical, slugs are actually very easy to grasp. In simple terms, slugs are the part of your URL that names your page. In many cases, they would be exactly the same […]
Add a Simple Payment Button to Your WordPress.com Site
WordPress Now Comes with a Quick Payment Button Option For any business on the internet, having a quick option to perform payments is a prerequisite. While it is always an option to go to a payment gateway, it comes with filling too many details and passing too many security checks. To ensure that customers are […]

Three benefits of Blockchain to Businesses
Bitcoin and blockchain technology have been hugging the headlines as of late.It’s crazy to think that seven years ago, the said type of cryptocurrency traded for a mere $1. Yet recently, a bitcoin was traded for an eye-popping $16,000.
Shopify is taking over Canada’s online market
E-commerce giant Shopify is set to become a major player in Canada’s legal-weed market Shopify has set foot in legal weed industry in Canada, it is now providing weed in the province of Canada legally. The population of Ontario is 13.6 billion, which is the most populated province of Canada with the biggest city in […]
Best Tips to Increase WordPress Functionality for Your Website
7 Tips to Improve WordPress Functionality for Your Website WordPress websites are more popular than any other websites around the globe for their ease of customization and the quality of themes. Most WordPress themes are used to create an attractive website with an eye-catching stare. Visitors like the best and choosy websites instead of going […]