Marketing tactics for driving website traffic and improving sales
Online merchants naturally wish for increased traffic and sales for their e-commerce stores. As the online marketplace becomes more and more competitive, it has become crucial for online merchants to employ marketing tactics to boost traffic to their websites and hike their sales and revenues.

Why e-commerce businesses fail
Why e-commerce businesses fail There are many reasons why e-commerce businesses fail. The first and most obvious reason why e-commerce businesses fail is the problem with marketing. Marketing is probably everything in a business. A business cannot run without proper marketing. Marketing is like the backbone of e-commerce. You will need to apply proper e-commerce […]

Add a Glossary or Dictionary in Your WordPress Site
How to Add a Glossary or Dictionary Section in Your WordPress Site Having a glossary on your WordPress site can add value to your business as there are several technical jargons that laymen cannot get hold of. So if you’re looking to add a glossary filled with your business related abbreviations and terms then this […]
Tips to Optimize your WordPress Site
Here are some tips to optimize your WordPress site. WordPress is a great platform to use if you’re thinking of building a website. This content management system makes it easy to edit and add information. If you have a WordPress site already, and want even better website performance, these tips might help you out with […]
Get Inspired: 4 Great Small Business Stories from Shopify
What does it feels like to be an entrepreneur? This is a pretty harsh question. What we know for sure is that the 500,000 (and more) retailer who adopted Shopify to run their businesses, “entrepreneur” takes many shapes. When you put these excellent entrepreneurs and business owners together, it’s palpable. We met thousands of Shopify […]
Frustrating Aspects of Web Design
Web design, while important, is frustrating at times. Here at Union Square Design in New York, we can run into a lot of problems while designing websites for clients. Learning how to code is easy. Learning complex programming languages is easy as well. What isn’t easy is actually typing them out on a computer. While […]
Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid
When you create a WordPress site, there are a few WordPress mistakes that you need to avoid. Some may be obvious, and some are less so. But overall, these mistakes prevent you from optimizing your website. You want to have the most secure, easy to use website as possible. 1. Not changing the admin username […]
Facebook Marketplace Pros and Cons
Facebook Marketplace, which hit the social media site a couple months ago, hasn’t been the e-commerce breakout we were expecting. This new aspect of Facebook is nothing more than what eBay and Craigslist have done for years. Facebook Marketplace is much like bartering and sales communities that exist all over Facebook, merged together into one […]
Best NYC Websites for Tourists
Visiting New York City can be quite the expedition for some people. If you’re a tourist, you’ll need plenty of information to navigate the city. Finding things to do, places to eat, attractions to see, and more, is all part of the visiting experience. That’s why we’ve put together a list of some of the […]