How to Add One-Click Login with Google in WordPress
Guide to Adding One-Click Login with Google in WordPress One-Click Login with Google is a function on WordPress which allows your users to login with their Gmail address without having to sign in with their WordPress account.

Why Hotel website ADA compatible with the technical standards?
Why Hotel website ADA compatible with the technical standards? When the first came of Americans with Disabilities into existence, in 1990, only a few industries are affected toward the hotel industry. Now, any public accommodation place was required, while providing equal and full enjoyment of service, good, advantages, privileges, and the accommodations, with people […]
How to Create a Great Landing Page
A landing page, also known as a home page, can make or break a website. Since it is the first page all visitors will see, you need to make sure it is eye-catching and informative. There are a few things that can mess up a landing page: the design, the loading time, the content, and more. […]
5 Common Hobbies You Can Make Money From (You Probably Have at Least One)
Best 5 Hobbies that you can monetize! Hobbies can be really funny, but why don’t monetize them. Choose one of your favorite hobbies and start making money. Some hobbies and activities, if taken seriously, can be transformed into solid streams of income. Good skills and abilities can bring from free stuff to extra money to […]

6 plugins to automate a WooCommerce Store
6 plugins to automate a WooCommerce Store If you are to manage an e-commerce store, you have a lot to do. You need to solve customer issues; server and hosting issues, software bugs and above all, you need to maintain adequate stock. For a store owner, you need to approach the big picture items and […]

The GDPR and How it Will Affect Online Merchants
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted in April 2016 and took effect in May this year. It lays out rules on how European residents’ data are to be managed, from medical history to internet activity to financial records. The GDPR is expected to reshaped e-commerce in Europe and how online merchants can engage […]
3 Best Magento Extensions for E-Commerce Sites
If you use Magento as a platform for your e-commerce website, that’s great. Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms around. But, like any great program, there are tips and tweaks available to make it better. Here are the three best Magento extensions that you can download to improve your site. These […]

Magento backs down on plan to shut down bug bounty program
Magento’s bug bounty program won’t be ditched at all after news leaked out that the e-commerce platform provider was planning to end the rewards-based program. Magento, which is now an Adobe company, has announced that it will continue with the initiative that was first launched in 2014.

Important Things You Need to Do After Installing WordPress
8 Priority Tasks You Should Finish After Installing WordPress Installation of your WordPress does not mean that your business will be up and running from now on. There are several tasks you need to give attention to, right after installing WordPress.