How to Handle an Unhappy Online Customer
Online merchants know how difficult it is to deal with an unhappy customer. Whether it’s because of a damaged package or an incorrect product shipment, dissatisfied buyers can be hard to satisfy. They can be very demanding as well. So how does a seller deal with an unhappy online customer? Here are some important things […]
What is Object-Oriented Programming?
Object-oriented programming is a type of programming where programmers define the data type of a data structure, as well as the different operations (functions) that can be applied to the data structure. Therefore, the data structure becomes an object. This object includes data and functions. Programmers can use this to create relationships from one object […]
4 Helpful Web Design Websites
These web design websites have made coding much easier to learn. Here at Union Square Design we understand that writing code can be difficult and dull. But these sites provide step-by-step courses that allow the users to interact with the code the way professionals do. These websites give a beginners a foundation in web design. 1. Codecademy […]

How to Make Voice Search Work for Your Online Store
Smart home assistants like Siri and Amazon Echo have become very important and useful for many consumers. The emergence of these digital voice assistants also signifies a growing trend that online entrepreneurs like you should be wise to capitalize on. Voice search is predicted to become essential in ecommerce in the years to come. In […]
Making the Most of Whitespace
In web design, whitespace is in reference to the empty or negative space on your website. You may see whitespace around an image or text and between buttons. You can push your designs, logos and text further into the forefront when this negative space is harmonious with them. Try applying this decades old technique to […]
When to Avoid Wordpress Economics
There are many cases where an ecommerce plugin from WordPress can benefit your website. WordPress is a trusted website, with over a 60 percent share of the CMS market, which makes it a great tool for any ecommerce webmaster. A WordPress plugin for your site can also be a great solution for your store or […]

things to ponder when hiring a digital marketing agency
Hiring a digital marketing agency is not as easy as it seems. While there are numerous firms that claim to be experts in digital marketing, it would be wise for any online entrepreneur or brand to invest time, money, and effort in finding the right one for them. In this article, we list down some […]

How to grow your business
How to grow your business In order to grow your business you would need to put in a lot of effort and invest a lot of money. Investing your time and money is by far the best way to ensure that your business grows. There are plenty of way to check if your business is […]

Checkout for a WooCommerece Store to Increase Sales
Checkout for a WooCommerece Store to Increase Sales It is said that it is easy to increase the number of sales from the shoppers who are already buying rather than trying to increase the customer base, by increasing the number of new customers as too much investment is required to build their trust. Ways to […]