E-commerce education
E-commerce education There are quite a number of people who would love to learn more about e-commerce. This is the part where you try and get educated. E-commerce education is the platforms for educating someone on e-commerce. There are many e-commerce courses available, ranging from online marketing to web development. Some forms of e-commerce […]
What are Breadcrumbs in Web Design?
What are breadcrumbs in web design? Well it’s not tiny pieces of bread, but it’s based off of that idea. Using breadcrumbs in web design is a way of navigating through a website. Much like the Hansel and Gretel tale, “breadcrumbs” allow users to make their way back to where they started on a web page […]

New Technology and e-commerce
New technology for e-commerce There is a growing trend for e-commerce products over the years. People have began to notice that it can be profitable to release products online. Over the years product developers have began to test their products through platforms such as kickstarter. Kickstarter is a good way for small businesses to introduce […]

Taking a loan
Taking a loan for your business Taking a loan for your business is the next great step in any kind of business. Loans are the primary method of financing for many small businesses. Some people after getting their first home will use it as collateral to finance their first business. However this is not encouraged […]

Blogs that sell in e-comerce
Blogs that sell Blogs have become an important part of e-commerce sales. Most blogs that are used to advertise products are actually affiliate marketing blogs. Affiliate marketing is one of the most common forms of e-commerce marketing. The first thing about blogs is that you need people who are actually interested in reading your blog. […]

Instagram algorithm for 2018
How the Instagram algorithm works in 2018 The Instagram algorithm is a great algorithm to use especially if you actually understand the algorithm. The Instagram algorithm actually changes in a certain period of time. This is why you should keep in touch with the latest trends on Instagram algorithms. Instagram updates its algorithm according to […]
What is Parallax Scrolling?
What is parallax scrolling? That is a good question for anyone new to web design. Parallax scrolling happens when the background image moves slower than the content in the foreground of the website as you scroll down the page. It is simpler than it sounds. And, it is currently a popular trend in website design. […]

Competition in e-commerce
Competition in e-commerce Competition in e-commerce is very fierce considering the number of businesses that are now in the e-commerce sector. For instance shopify alone now hosts more than 1 million e-commerce businesses. E-commerce is the conducing of business on the internet. With huge popularity that comes with millenials now feeling comfortable with purchasing stuff […]

Digital marketing stats about giving up personal data
The best digital marketing stats we’ve seen this week Nearly 90% of consumers willing to give up personal data An Episerver survey was conducted to have an insight into what people think of giving their personal data. The survey showed that among more than 4000 population, 87% of people are ready to give their data […]