Pixar to Offer Free Khan Academy Lessons
Good news for Khan Academy users: Pixar is offering free storytelling lessons. They’ve called it Pixar in a Box, and the lessons are online now. Pixar is renowned for their ability to create compelling animated movies, such as Inside Out, Finding Nemo, and Toy Story. They are master storytellers, combining interesting narratives with stunning visuals. […]
What is SEO and How does it Work?
What is SEO? How does it work? SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is a tool for getting visitors to your website from search engines. They use algorithms that search engines like Google use in order to rank websites. If you are a business, you want your website to be at the top of the […]
The Fight Against Fake News
The internet’s current contribution to to our political state is unusual and troubling. Across its sprawling landscape of information, misinformation, has stolen the spotlight. What has been deemed fake news, has crawled out from under the shadow of credibility and found a space on the social media feeds of our friends and those at […]

Four Benefits of Digital Marketing in Business
The Digital Age is upon us. Just look around you and you would realize how technology has been ingrained in our lives. The average person owns smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other AI devices like Google Home. With so many people dependent on technology, it is only imperative for businesses to boost their digital marketing efforts […]

3d printing
3d printing and the fourth industrial revolution 3d printing is ushering in a new industrial revolution. This revolution is centered around the fact that a lot of inventors now have the ability to produce their own prototypes and inventions with minimum waiting time and resources. What sets apart the fourth industrial revolution is the rapid […]

Email marketing: An effective means to communicate with customers
8 Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach out and communicate with your consumers. It not only keeps your business on the consciousness of your customers; it can also enhance their loyalty to your brand and subsequently help boost your sales. Advantages of email marketing Email marketing has many advantages that make […]

Why Walmart e-commerce growth is important
The world’s biggest retailer, Walmart Inc., reported recently that its e-commerce sales grew by 33 percent in the first quarter of the year. The strong Walmart e-commerce growth is an encouraging sign even as the firm revealed that its gross margin had fallen for the fourth consecutive quarter. Walmart’s e-commerce sale in the first quarter […]
Great 404 Error Page Template Designs
Creating custom 404 error pages is something that is common on the Internet. If you haven’t made one already, you should definitely start thinking about it. Some are funny, some are smart, but all of them include navigational links to help users get back to the website’s homepage. That’s the most important part of creating […]

Basic ways to drive traffic for your website with online marketing
Basic ways to drive traffic for your website with online marketing For a business with online presence, it is very necessary to have enough web traffic. Web traffic ensures the success and the growth of the brand. But for web traffic to rely on few specific channels is not a wise decision. Look at […]