Digital platforms
Digital platforms for marketing Now let us take a look at the digital platforms that are available for marketing. Although there are many digital platforms around only a few digital platforms are available for marketing. On the top of the list are google and Facebook. This is due to the popularity of these platforms. Digital […]
What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Designing a website is a learning process. We understand that coding and programming is difficult, so it is important to start with simple concepts. One of the terms everyone should know before learning web design is hypertext transfer protocol. What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol? If you open your web browser and look at the address bar […]
5 Essential Tips for WordPress Beginners
5 Necessary Tips for WordPress Beginners for Creating Quality Websites Wordpress is a well-established platform which is used to create quality websites based on your required niche. Though it is easy to use and learn, many WordPress beginners may find its functionalities bit harder in the initial stages. But that doesn’t mean that it is […]
Open-Source E-commerce Cart Benefits
What is an open-source e-commerce cart? It’s a platform that can be used and modified by anyone. When building your online store, you’re going to need to decide what sort of software to use. An open-source e-commerce cart may be right for you. Here are some benefits of open-source e-commerce carts. You can customize your site […]

Discipline when running an e-commerce business
Discipline when running an e-commerce business Discipline is probably important in any kind of business in which you wish to achieve success. It is also an important part of people who wish to achieve success in their lives. Remember that any type of business requires you to be disciplined. Discipline is another word for hard […]

The Future of Robots in Retail
The Future of Robots in Retail Robots were first used in 1961 by General Motors to perform repetitive manufacturing tasks. These days, online retailer Amazon is said to have an army of more than 100,000 robots in its warehouses. Is this a sign of things to come? Robot benefits Robots perform different functions for stores […]

Four Keys to Digital Marketing Success
These days, firms wanting to make it big should have a digital marketing strategy in place. As more and more people rely on the Internet not only to access information but also to buy products, businesses with a solid online marketing campaign tend to enjoy more success. These enterprises are able to reach more prospective […]
Mobile’s Role in SEO
With the number of mobile web users increasing, web developers and designers find themselves catering to this demographic more every year. This means that aside from creating a mobile friendly site, SEO has to be adjusted for this platform. SEO is Google’s mysterious search ranking algorithm. What Google prioritizes is always changing and keeps […]

Bookmark Posts with Save For Later in WordPress
Bookmark Posts with Save For Later with WordPress Reader Tool It happens many times that you find an interesting blog post to read, but suddenly you realize that you are getting late for some other important work at that time. But, WordPress mobile app has come up with a solution to it. If you have […]