Why A Flexible Return Policy Will Help Your Online Business
Many online marketing experts employ different tactics to promote their online businesses. These include pay-per-click, traditional search engine optimization, retargeting, online display advertising, among others. However, one method that you should not overlook is having a flexible return policy. In this post, we will learn why this marketing move can help your business in the […]

YouTube SEO Tips for Brands
YouTube has come a long way from its humble beginnings in the early 2000s. Today, it is the second largest search engine next only to Google. It generates nearly 100 billion page views monthly and more than 400 hours of video are uploaded every passing minute.
These are Few Tips to Design Websites for Users and Search Engines
Creating the websites is actually quite a challenging task as the web designers have to keep a track of many elements at one time. User experience matters a lot and on top of that, the features and content play a major role in deciding the site’s credibility. Features like button designs, call to action, functionality, […]
Best SSL Certificate Providers for Your Security
When it comes to online security, you don’t want to put visitors to your website at risk. If you run an e-commerce website, where people give their credit card information, address, and e-mail to purchase goods, you need to ensure that these people won’t get their information stolen. SSL certificates are a must when it […]
What is Mobile Commerce?
Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, is every transaction that takes place on the Internet over a mobile phone. It is also referred to as the, “next generation e-commerce“. This includes two things: purchases made on apps, and purchases made on an Internet browser (on a phone). Some broader definitions even include mobile banking as a part of m-commerce. […]
3 Reasons This Is Only the Beginning of Shopify Inc.’s Rally
3 Reasons This Is Only the Beginning of Shopify Inc.’s Rally Shopify is the service provider of e-commerce and year 2017 was a big year for it. All of the stock of Shopify had finished with triple-digit gains. According to the first month of 2018, this year will go very well for them if it […]

Best marketing practices in e-commerce
Best marketing practices There are certain marketing practices that put you at the top when it comes to e-commerce. E-commerce marketing is probably the most important field you will need to master. E-commerce marketing is all about learning how to sell your products to prospective customers. Customers always want to be convinced in order to […]

The importance of Instagram hashtags
Hashtags on Instagram (IG) work like those on Twitter. These can be incorporated in Instagram posts and become clickable in the process. In fact, any word or phrase can become a hashtag as long as it has the symbol “#”in front of it. Hashtags may seem overused to some people but it can serve a […]
Upload Once, Blog Anywhere: from Google Photos
Google Photos and WordPress Combine to Help Access Your Photos, Anywhere and Anytime As a blogger, photos must always be an important part of your blogging experience. It is very obvious that visual content adds a much-needed appeal to textual content, making it more relatable and easier to grasp. But where do you find the […]