4 Most Common E-Commerce Design Mistakes
In the world of e-commerce design, there are many ways to maximize your e-commerce business. But there are also ways to miss a lot of important opportunities. Selling goods online can be a great way to expand your business. Here are a few ways to make sure you don’t over-look some of the basics of […]
Product Photography Tips for Online Merchants
With more and more people opting to shop online than visit traditional brick and mortar stores, it has become more imperative for online merchants to focus on product photography. In product photography, specific techniques are used to showcase products and entice online visitors to purchase them. It is an essential component of both offline and […]
Is Alibaba not playing fairly with US firms?
Alibaba is one of the biggest e-commerce firms in the world. It is two times more profitable than Amazon, serving more people than those who live in North America. It is believed to generate nearly $550 billion in annual sales, which is more than the online sales in the US. With its size, it is […]
How to Enable Get Shortlink Button in WordPress Editor
Enable Get Shortlink Button in WordPress Editor Every time WordPress come up with new updates and upgrades, it becomes better than before. The new updated version of WordPress i.e., WordPress 4.4 came up with a few changes in the editor section as well. The changes include the disappearance of Get Shortlink button and the View […]
HTML – HyperText Markup Language
HTML – HyperText Markup Language HTML for everyone. My new mission. Now that we know what Hypertext is and how it evolved, let’s have a quick look at its most famous family member. Aka most common use: HTML or HyperText Markup Language. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but what exactly is it? What […]
Retail e-commerce trends in 2018
The global e-commerce market continues to grow. It is estimated that sales reached around $2.3 trillion in 2017 with experts predicting that the amount will reach $4.5 trillion three years from now. With the tremendous growth potential, it is only reasonable that online brands be updated on retail e-commerce trends so they can be a […]
Best Automation Tools and Tips for WordPress
Automation Tools That Make WordPress Better Manageable With an Ease A few years ago, people used to do everything themselves while developing their websites. Updating and handling all things on their website manually put the people under work pressure. But thanks to WordPress and the automation tools available to use with WordPress sites that make […]
How Artificial Intelligence is Benefiting Marketing
Decades ago, the use of artificial intelligence or AI was something only seen in sci-fi movies. But technology has caught up with AI as it is now incorporated in digital products. Today, AI is proving to be an integral part of our daily lives especially those of consumers as it affects their buying behavior and […]
Simple ways to prevent porch piracy
One of the few side effects online shopping is porch piracy or package theft. It’s the act of snatching packages from the front door. One survey done recently showed that some 11 million homeowners have been victims of porch piracy in 2017. Another home survey showed than 3 out of 10 Americans have had a […]