Shopify Bans Sale of Certain Weapons
Shopify, the Canadian e-commerce giant, is making a stand by banning the trade of guns and related accessories on its widely-popular platform. The company based in Ottawa recently announced policy changes aimed at preventing online sellers from selling firearms, rocket launchers, grenades, and sound suppressors, among others. The firm was mum on the reasons behind […]
Perishable goods
Perishable goods and e-commerce Perishable goods are now sold every day on e-commerce. With the advent of urban farming in large cities, there is a tendency to market and sell these products online. With perishable goods, there is a constant need to sell the goods in a short space of time. This is due to […]
3 Useful Website Design Tips
3 useful website design tips that you should know when creating a website. The key reason for having a website is to get people to visit it. If your website can do that, great. The next step is to keep them there. This can be more difficult. People browse around all the time, without staying on sites […]
Best Parallax Scrolling Websites
We’ve compiled a list of the best parallax scrolling websites, for design inspiration. What is parallax scrolling? Well, it’s a cool way to animate your website. In a previous blog, we talked about parallax scrolling, and how it has become popular to use in web design. So without further ado, here’s the best of the […]
How Drop Shipping Will Better Your E-Commerce Site
As your e-commerce site continues to grow, you may find yourself considering drop shipping. Drop shipping is a fulfillment method wherein your product would be shipped directly from third party suppliers. This could ease a lot of the strain on your business and reduce costs. Here are some of the top benefits of drop shipping. […]
Brick and mortar retailing
Brick and mortar retail going online Brick and mortar retail are going online at a much faster rate. This is due to the rise of e-commerce spending. When Walmart was first founded there was no internet to actually begin with. However, over time when the e-commerce era began, they also decided to sell their products […]
Buying online
Tips on buying online There are certain tips you need when buying online. These will help you save a lot of money in the long run. Online purchasing tips involve ensuring that you are purchasing the right product for the right price. If you are purchasing a product for a higher price then try and […]
Facebook Messenger Breaks into E-Commerce
Just recently, Facebook unveiled their latest e-commerce update, which has to do with Facebook messenger. A while back we blogged that they were making their way into e-commerce with Buy Buttons. The messenger app, which is for mobile phones as well as the computer, is their second approach. Why is Facebook messenger the platform? Well, over […]
4 Coolest WordPress Tips & Tricks you should know
4 Super Useful WordPress Tips & Tricks You Should Learn Today WordPress is a huge hub of many bloggers trying to enhance their business. But many of the users are devoid of the exciting hidden features that WordPress has to offer. WordPress houses many effective and powerful plugins to optimize your business websites. Below is […]