E-commerce in farming
E-commerce in farming
E-commerce in farming has changed the farming industry forever. Farmers depend a lot on the cities for much of their revenue. This is due to the fact that cities produce a large number of consumers. In the United States, only 2% of the population actually work on a farm. This means that the rest have to depend on the products that are farmed out of the cities. E-commerce, in turn, has actually revolutionized the farming sector. Now farmers are able to sell their products directly to businesses and individuals in cities. E-commerce has also allowed farmers to export goods to corners around the world. Large wholesalers and retailers can now order large quantities of goods online through e-commerce. E-commerce actually supports farmers from developing regions to market their products in developed regions for a high price. Having farmers do this ensures that the commerce chain goes smoothly.
E-commerce in farming and cutting the middleman
When it comes to getting your product on your table there is always a middle man. Imagine a grape that is farmed in California has to go through several processes and destination before it reaches your table. This is no longer the case. Farmers nowadays can sell you those grapes and deliver them the same day. This has led to a boom in the profitability of farming. Back in the day farming needed to be subsidized. Nowadays there is literally no need to subsidize farming. Purchasing products from foreign lands have also cut the middleman out hence making products more cheap for the consumer. The middle man looking for a profit is no longer necessary as retails can simply buy the products directly from the farmer.
There also has been a boom in the number of urban farms. Urban farms seek to revolutionize the farming sector especially when it comes to selling fresh vegetables in the city.