Five digital marketing mistakes to avoid
Digital marketing continues to become a more crucial component of any business, whether it is online-based or not. Are you starting a digital marketing campaign for your business or a client? You might want to keep in mind the following online marketing mistakes that even the pros tend to commit:
Digital marketing mistake #1: Not measuring ROI
This is one of the common digital marketing blunders that even the experts make—failing to measure return on investment. Firms spend money funding social media campaigns without even bothering to learn how to compute ROI. This is particularly critical for smaller firms which don’t have enough budget unlike their bigger counterparts. Online marketing advisors of smaller firms should aim to break even on their digital marketing costs after a year.
Digital marketing mistake #2: Neglecting online content quality
Many business leaders and their social media advisers think that the success of an online marketing campaign can be measured by the number of posts on Facebook or Twitter. This leads to the decay of content online. Firms in complex or sophisticated industries like banks should be careful as sloppy and poorly-conceived content can be damaging to their reputation.
Digital marketing mistake #3: Overlooking reputation
Firms should be concerned about their reputation online. A bad review or Facebook post about them can damage the positive image that they’ve painstakingly built through the years.
Digital marketing mistake #4: Inability to capture interested customers
Everything comes to waste when the website fails to capture important details from interested customers or investors. It is a must to have a form on the website where potential customers or investors can leave their contact details for you. It is also recommended to occasionally send a newsletter.
Digital marketing mistake #5: Relying on off-line activities
It’s the age of the Internet and everyone is online. The conduct of off-line activities like workshops and seminars are time consuming, expensive and difficult to scale.