Ecommerce Blog Post To Build Traffic For Your Store
Thongs that you should know about Blog Post?
But first up: some prep work for your blog
You’ll need to know two things to really make your blog posts effective: your audience, and your goals.
Know and understand your audience.
Before writing a single word and even a post draft, you have to know how the ideal customer would be and what they want.
- Who is buying your product? (Age, gender, location, device..)
- Why are they buying it?
- What do they care about?
- What do they believe to be true?
Think how much easier it will be to create amazing blog posts for a 25-year-old male with a medium-high salary that loves photography and that in his free time he actually take pictures. Targeting people like this instead of people who “just like photography”.
You may find interesting this article about how a niche audience can seriously help you grow your business—and what you should do find that niche.
Now that you know exactly what kind of audience you are going to target you need to set a few goals for your blog.
Know your goals
Sure, posting twice a week is a goal, but it’s not anything to get all that excited about.
In order to give yourself the right motivation to push your blog up to another level, try setting goals directly related to your business. An example like driving more customers or increasing sales.
Thanks to the opportunities of online marketing, you can fully track the result of your blog post. How can you track this? Google Analytics makes a great work at this.
Now you may focus on business-oriented goals, like having 2% of all your blog traffic-audience convert to sales. Think now how much more motivated you will be to post those articles.
You also want to make sure that your post are set up for sales conersions. This might mean linking your shop’s prosucts, using banners, or including a non-invasive pop-up that provide a coupon code that encourages sales.