5 of the Best Wordpress Mobile Web Designs to Inspire You
Creating an e-commerce web design takes so much of the time when you are yet to focus on other important things, isn’t it? But why to do it all manual when there is an outstanding option for using content management system? As you may know, Wordpress is highly sophisticated and easy to use platform with nice features, customized templates or themes, and premade plugins.
Here I bring you the 5 inspiring mobile web design list that looks stunning, check out:
Zanerobe is a responsive e-commerce mobile web design that takes user experience to the next level. To turn the tables down for the competitors, this website has added the product preview on the menu itself. No wonder, people usually prefer desktop websites but this one has an outstanding traffic even on the mobile device.
Next is Jardan, this one is my favorite too. This website looks minimalistic yet elegant with its clear call to action for each and every item in the store. Scroll through the website and you will feel connected to its user-friendly menu and product categories that are sure to give you an easy-to-navigate experience.
Yet another one in the list is Vu which undoubtedly justifies the modern web design. The most exceptional thing here is the simple yet attractive fonts that soothe your eyes. This website is surely going to leave an everlasting mark on your minds if you are thinking of creating your own e-commerce website. Their desktop version is good but the mobile version looks just awesome.
Colors, nice effects, and user-friendly experience are all that Prigipo offers to the users. While scrolling, you get to see the tempting effects and the major focus on user-friendliness is what makes your browsing experience a quality one.
The last one on my list is Sodashi! This web design is specifically for e-commerce portal and the uniqueness of this design is the product information that is beautifully displayed on the homepage. The content-rich feature makes the website look natural yet simple.