Pixar to Offer Free Khan Academy Lessons
Good news for Khan Academy users: Pixar is offering free storytelling lessons. They’ve called it Pixar in a Box, and the lessons are online now. Pixar is renowned for their ability to create compelling animated movies, such as Inside Out, Finding Nemo, and Toy Story. They are master storytellers, combining interesting narratives with stunning visuals. Few companies hold up to Pixar in terms of animated expertise. So if you want to win an Oscar, check out their free lessons.
What is Khan Academy?
Khan Academy is a free online website with educational lessons available for everyone. They are a non profit company that began in 2006. They offer lessons on various subjects in the form of short videos. While Khan Academy is a great supplemental resource for education, it isn’t an entire replacement for traditional schooling. But they do have resources to help with school, such as supplementary practice exercises and tools for educators. Overall, it’s a good tool for students and teachers alike.
Pixar’s Lessons
The first lesson is up on Khan Academy right now, and available for everyone. It features an introduction to storytelling and how to create compelling settings and characters. These lessons are in the form of short videos and activities to complete. The next installment will be about character creation specifically. Later lessons will be about story-boarding, emotional appeal, etc. Khan Academy will release all these lessons throughout 2017. Lessons are taught from Pixar directors and story artists including Inside Out and Up director Pete Docter, Brave director Mark Andrews, Inside Out story artist Domee Shi, and Ratatouille animator Sanjay Patel.
This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants to go into animation and storytelling. It’s also just interesting to learn more about how Pixar creates their amazing movies. Basically, anyone who is a fan of Pixar should check out these instructional videos.