Should You Switch to HTTPS?
HTTP and HTTPS are pretty much the same thing, with one minor difference: the S stands for Secure. This means that websites with HTTPS are secure for users to visit. HTTPS helps reduce of the risk of hacking. This is because HTTPS encrypts the server. “Encrypted” means that the data is converted into code, to prevent unauthorized access. So, the user can be sure that their information will be safe.
Do you need to switch to HTTPS?
It seems like a no-brainer: a safe website is better for visitors. But it’s not always necessary. If you run a small website and never ask Internet users to provide personal information on it, then you probably don’t need it. If you aren’t collecting their information, or payments, you can get away with using HTTP. On top of that HTTPS won’t protect you any more from hackers than HTTP will. It’ll just protect your website viewers.
Think about making the switch to HTTPS
Google recently announced that having HTTPS can improve your ranking signal. This means that your website can rank higher on Google search engine results. That’s great, but it really only accounts for a small percentage in the overall ranking factor. Meaning, it won’t bump you from #50 to #1. Maybe it’ll bump you to #40. So, is it really worth it? Well, Google seems to think there are many virtues of using HTTPS over HTTP. They have even run a campaign called HTTPS Everywhere in the past.
Overall, it’s up to what you think is best for your website. People are more likely to trust HTTPS over HTTP. This can lead to many benefits for site owners. If your website is more trustworthy, your business in turn becomes more trustworthy, and it will most likely excel. So with this in mind, you can decide for yourself if you want to make the switch to HTTPS from HTTP.