The 21st Annual Webby Awards
While it seems like this year’s Webby Awards just happened, we’re already getting ready for the 21st Annual Webby Awards in 2017. Why are we preparing so early? Well, it’s because the early entry deadline is coming up soon. The Webby Awards are a great way to showcase your website, and perhaps get your brand noticed. Whether you think you’ll win or not, there’s no harm in submitting an entry.
What’s New at the Webby Awards
There are new categories this year including:
- Architecture & Design Website
- Food & Drink Film
- Video Ad
- Video Campaign
- Social Video Series
There’s an entire new category in Social — social video. And on top of that, there’s an entirely new entry category as well: Podcasts and Digital Audio! This recognizes all the hard work in the digital audio space of the Internet.
Why You Should Enter
Entering the Webby Awards also means entering into the Webby community — this has serious advantages. First of all, you get a performance report from the Webbys for each website you enter. This is a great way to figure out what needs to be fixed on your site. Secondly, you’ll get access to trend reports, and you may get the opportunity to host a Webby talk. Beyond that, entering means that you may win. Winners of awards get noticed by large publications, such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Winners also get to make famous 5-word speeches, one of the funniest parts of the Webby Awards.
Overall, the Webby Awards are a fun way to potentially increase visitors to your website. By entering in the awards, you’re telling your team that you think your site is something really important. If you’re not quite ready to enter, you can always browse previous winners’ sites for inspiration of your own.