A Short History of Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is an important and popular framework for web development. Ruby is a programming language, and Rails is a software library, which provides the framework for the language. The two work together to create web applications. This is a great thing to learn, because Ruby is an easy language. Ruby on Rails is very important for web development.
What is Ruby in Ruby on Rails?
Ruby, the language, was developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990’s. His goal was to make a “fun” programming language. Ruby is a general purpose programming language, but it mostly used for the web. Beginners love Ruby as a language because it is extremely simple. Not only is it simple as a language, but flexible and forgiving as well. But while it’s so great, Ruby wasn’t really designed to be used by the web at first — and that’s where Rails comes in.
What is Rails in Ruby on Rails?
Rails makes it possible to write a Ruby application for a website. It extends the programming language, so it can combine with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a web application that runs on a server. Rails is a part of the back end web application development platform. Ruby on Rails is formatted to be used on websites and apps. Rails was developed by a programmer named David Heinemeier Hansson in 2005. Rails is just as popular as Ruby because it can built web apps quickly — something that is great for startup businesses. Also, Rails is one of the most in-demand skills today, so learning this can boost your resume. Some websites that use Ruby on Rails today are Hulu, Airbnb, and Basecamp.
Essentially, Ruby on Rails is the hip new way to build web applications. However, before you learn Ruby on Rails, you need to learn HTML and CSS. Those are the building blocks of the Internet. But once you master that, you can definitely move onto the language Ruby, and then Rails.